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Tanzania EIA Certificate Reception

Total East Africa Midstream B.V. (TEAM BV) currently the custodian of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)1 Project2 has received the Environmental Impact Assessment Certificate for the EACOP Project activities in Tanzania: Establishment of Onshore East African Crude Oil Pipeline (1147km), Marine Storage Terminal, Offshore Trestle Jetty and Load-Out Facility.

The purpose of the EACOP pipeline is to transport oil produced in Uganda from fields located on the shores of lake Albert. In Tanzania the Project activities to construct and operate the world’s longest electrically heat traced crude oil pipeline will be carried out in Kagera, Geita, Shinyanga, Tabora, Singida, Dodoma, Manyara and Tanga Regions. The EIA studies were conducted between 2017 and 2018 covering both environmental and social aspects in close collaboration with all the stakeholders..

On 21st December 2018 the first Report was submitted to the National Environmental Management Council (NEMC). After a thorough review involving regional and district officials, communities and population groups, as well as NGOs, the final Report, incorporating all the relevant comments was resubmitted and the Certificate of Approval issued on 21st November 2019.

The symbolic handover ceremony was held at the Vice President’s Office in Dodoma and was witnessed by the Minister of Energy Hon. Dr. Medard Kalemani, Minister of State, Vice President’s Office (Union and Environment) Hon. Mussa Azzan Zungu. The event was also witnessed by officers from the Council, Ministry of Energy and Division of Environment in the Vice President Office.

TEAM B.V is collaborating closely with the Government of Tanzania and is looking forward to working together towards the implementation of the Project once the Legal and Commercial Framework is achieved. The East African Crude Oil Pipeline will unlock East Africa’s Potential by attracting investors to explore opportunities in the region. The Project will yield substantial Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Uganda and Tanzania during the construction phase.

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