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Resettlement Action Plan for Priority Areas

This RAP describes the policies, principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing physical displacement impacts and economic displacement impacts caused by land acquisition for the PAs.

Consultation and engagement with affected and host communities and all levels of Government of Tanzania (GoT) will be ongoing throughout resettlement implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The Project’s overall resettlement goal is to undertake resettlement in a manner that gives physically and economically displaced households the opportunity to improve or at least restore their livelihoods and standards of living.

The scope of this RAP is to establish and describe:

  • People affected by the PA land acquisition who will experience physical and / or economic displacement;
  • Eligibility criteria for affected parties;
  • Rates of compensation for lost assets;
  • Levels of assistance for resettlement of affected households;
  • Measures to reinstate livelihoods of affected persons and households;
  • Measures taken to minimize or avoid displacement;
  • Roles and responsibilities to compile, undertake and implement RAP actions; and
  • Activities required post-approval of this RAP to implement and monitor land acquisition, compensation and livelihood restoration commitments made herein.
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