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Resettlement Action Plan for Kagera Region

The Kagera RAP describes the policies, principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing displacement impacts caused by Project-related land acquisition in the Missenyi, Bukoba, Muleba and Biharamulo Districts of the Kagera Region. The Kagera RAP aims to establish and describe:…

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Resettlement Action Plan Singida Region

The Singida Region RAP describes the policies, principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing displacement impacts caused by Project-related land acquisition in the Iramba, Mkalama and Singida Districts of the Singida Region. The Singida Region RAP aims to establish and…

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Resettlement Action Plan for Dodoma Region

The Dodoma RAP describes the policies, principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing displacement impacts caused by Project-related land acquisition in the Kondoa and Chemba Districts of the Dodoma Region. The Dodoma RAP aims to establish and describe: A summary…

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Resettlement action Plan for Manyara Region

The Manyara Region RAP describes the policies, principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing displacement impacts caused by Project-related land acquisition in the Hanang and Kiteto Districts of the Manyara Region. The Manyara Region RAP aims to establish and describe:…

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Resettlement Action Plan Shinyanga Region

The Shinyanga RAP describes the policies, principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing displacement impacts caused by Project-related land acquisition in the Kahama Town Council administered area of the Shinyanga Region. The Shinyanga RAP aims to establish and describe: A…

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