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Statement on ESCROW applications.

In reference to the press release dated 10th September 2024, issued by Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO), pertaining to the escrow application filed by the Government of Uganda (GoU), through the Attorney General’s office, concerning some Project Affected Persons…

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Resettlement Action Plan for Priority Areas

This RAP describes the policies, principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing physical displacement impacts and economic displacement impacts caused by land acquisition for the PAs. Consultation and engagement with affected and host communities and all levels of Government of…

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Resettlement Action Plan for Tanga Region

The Tanga RAP describes the policies, principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing displacement impacts caused by Project-related land acquisition in the Kilindi, Handeni, Korogwe, Muheza Districts and Tanga City of the Tanga Region. The Tanga RAP aims to establish…

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Resettlement Action Plan for Tabora Region

The Tabora Region RAP describes the policies, principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing displacement impacts caused by Project-related land acquisition in the Nzega and Igunga Districts of the Tabora Region. The Tabora Region RAP aims to establish and describe:…

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Resettlement Action Plan for Geita Region

The Geita RAP describes the policies, principles, procedures, roles and responsibilities for managing displacement impacts caused by Project-related land acquisition in the Chato, Geita, Mbogwe and Bukombe Districts of the Geita Region. The Geita RAP aims to establish and describe:…

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