EACOP Ltd, in collaboration with Panyu Chu Kong Steel Pipe (PCK) and the Vocational Education…

Portraits of Women in Mechanical Lifting Discipline – MARIAM ZABRON’S STORY
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
When I was kid, I have always wanted to be a businesswoman, I had wished to be in women clothes selling business
What and where did you study?
I did my primary education from standard one to seven in Musoma Village from year 2003 to 2010.
Tell us about your career from the beginning until now.
I started my career as a small-scale businesswoman at Kahama District before I applied to join the EACOP project as a helper in the civil works as a steel fixer. I joined WI in 2022 as a helper and I was selected to be among the candidates for the on-the-job training for the slinger and banksman course. After a couple of months of being a slinger and a banksman, I then joined the course for the overhead crane operator, were for now I serve as an overhead crane operator.
What training did you complete to become a Lifting Supervisor or Engineer?
I attended the on-job training for the slinger and banksman course done by Mainport. I was trained as an Overhead crane operator by Mainport.
Have you always been interested in mechanical lifting?
I gained interest to be among the mechanical lifting operations after joining the project, before that I was not aware for these operations, Day to day I look forward to developing myself in the mechanical lifting field.
What qualities should a lifting supervisor or engineer have?
A lifting supervisor is someone with knowledge and has undergone training to be able to follow and make decisions in a lifting operation.
How do you see yourself in five years?
Five years from today, I see myself as someone with skills, experience and ability to work or being employed in oil and gas Industry across East Africa.