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Our Values

The Code of Conduct is rooted in the following key values, applying to all EACOP staff and by extension to its contractors and suppliers.

  • Integrity.  EACOP has zero tolerance for any acts of bribery, corruption, fraud, money laundering, influence peddling or violations of antitrust law in the territories in which it operates.
  • Respect for Human Rights including prohibition on forced and child labour, a commitment to non-discrimination, intolerance of harassment in any form, support for freedom of association, and mechanisms for any issues to be reported and resolved.
  • Working conditions EACOP ensures that people working on the project are provided with a healthy and safe workplace and that working conditions and remuneration preserve human dignity.   
  • Stakeholder engagement. EACOP engages in communication and meaningful dialogue with stakeholders in local communities and host countries, including information sharing, consultation, listening to concerns and grievance mechanisms.
  • Political Neutrality EACOP is a non-political, nonpartisan organisation and shall not participate in any political activity.
  • Socio-economic Development in the two host countries is key to EACOP’s sustainable presence. This includes those affected by the project, maximising positive impacts, enhancing local employment, skills and training, using local goods and services, capacity building of local companies and institutions and compliance with applicable National and Local Content regulations.
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