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EACOP Human Rights Commitments

We are committed to respecting the human rights and dignity of individuals within our operations, supply chain, and communities where we do business. We set out our commitments in our Human Rights policy and Code of Conduct, and our management system contains requirements and guidelines on these issues.

Human Rights Policy English

Human Rights Policy Luganda

Human Rights Policy Runyankole

Human Rights Policy Runyoro

Human Rights Policy Swahili

We shall ensure that human rights are considered in all our activities, including with respect to our workforce, local communities and security forces.  To this end we have a dedicated human rights manager, ensuring that these issues are implemented and followed across all areas of the business. We are committed to monitor and report progress and challenges regarding human rights in our activities and will engage with external stakeholders to promote awareness, understanding and a continuous dialogue.

We deliver human rights-related training and awareness-raising activities with our staff and contractors. We shall hold our suppliers to comply with their contractual requirements and to respect human rights in a manner consistent with our Policy within their operations and supply chains.

Where local laws are less stringent than our policies and internationally recognized human rights and employment standards, we are guided by the more stringent policies and standards and strongly encourage our contractors and suppliers to follow these standards and principles. We also expect our contractors and suppliers to share our commitment and standards by adopting similar policies and upholding these values within their own business operations and, where necessary, work with them to develop the capacity to do so.

We work to promote respect for human rights within our spheres of influence through stakeholder engagement, collaboration, and participation in various forums.

We encourage our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to speak up, without retribution, about any concerns. We will not tolerate retaliation or reprisal against any workers, suppliers, or others for having reported suspected violations of our Human Rights policy.

Focus areas & Action Plan

In 2018, the Project conducted a Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) report and will compliment this with an updated issue in Q4 2022 of a Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) report. The HRDD contains an Action Plan that we are working to implement. 

These documents and actions align with international standards and global best practices in particular the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO conventions, the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) Initiative.

In turn, these global best practice guidelines require that an operation assesses potential human rights impacts and define and implement appropriate project management measures – a practice that is ensconced in the Project’s human rights commitment.

EACOP proactively engages with host governments and civil society on human rights matters. Amongst other matters, the Human Rights Policy recognises the important role of human rights defenders (as defined in the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders of 1998) in the promotion and protection of human rights.

Other initiatives by EACOP to integrate human rights into its activities include:

  • Commitments to respect international human rights are contained in the IGA and HGAs signed by the Governments of Uganda and Tanzania and EACOP;
  • ESIAs for Uganda and Tanzania incorporated input about human rights standards, potential impacts and mitigation measures that were integrated into the relevant sections of this ESIA;
  • Quarterly engagements and briefings with national and international human rights advocacy NGOs;
  • Issued guidance on human rights due diligence and contractual provisions for incorporation in supply chain contracts.

EACOP Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Policy.

EACOP commits to respect and uphold women’s rights and applicable laws in our business and organisational activities. This Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Policy defines and frames EACOP’s commitments for the benefit of all stakeholders, internal and external.

EACOP Statement on Human Rights Defenders Policy.

EACOP recognizes the legitimacy and important role of Human Rights Defenders (as defined in the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders of 1998) in the promotion and protection of human rights and further recognizes Article 38 and Article 13 of respectively the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania that provide for civic rights and activities. EACOP also recognizes the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Position adopted in 2018 on Retaliation Against Civil Society and Project Stakeholders.

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