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Health & Safety

EACOP conducts its operations in line with its Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Policy, established with the involvement of all personnel and approved by shareholders and Managing Director.  This sets out the framework in which we operate. 

EACOP’s HSE management activities are structured around the continual improvement cycle of PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT aimed at operational excellence and performance improvement.  HSE activities focus on risk identification, application of mitigation measures, and ongoing monitoring to ensure their effectiveness. The HSE Policy is supported by a framework of ten Principles, on which our HSE Management System is built. These principles are aligned with the requirements of the ISO45001:2018:

  1. Leadership and management commitment,
  2. Compliance with laws, regulations and Company requirements,
  3. Conform to VPSHR, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, IFC Performance Standards and Equator Principles
  4. Risk management,
  5. Operational accountability,
  6. Competence and training,
  7. Emergency preparedness,
  8. Learning from events,
  9. Monitoring, audit and inspection
  10. Performance improvement.

Zero Harm

At EACOP, our core value is Zero Harm. Zero harm to people, Zero harm to the environment and Zero harm to those living and working in the communities in which we operate.

It is our belief that everything we do should have a positive impact on those we work and interact with.

This core value has been our driver for all we do in ensuring the activities of EACOP are safe for all.

Life Saving Rules

EACOP has adopted the International Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) Lifesaving Rules. The IOGP Life Saving Rules focus on modifying worker and supervisor behaviours in the workplace by raising awareness of the activities that are most likely to result in incidents or accidents and the simple actions individuals can take to protect themselves and others.

These rules are standardised and used across many industries and geographies, which makes it easier for our Contractors to incorporate these in their activities.

Road Safety

As an onshore pipeline project, road and transport safety is a key area of focus. 

Consequently EACOP has adopted its own Road Safety Policy . The policy applies standards that are more stringent than local regulations and apply to all EACOP personnel and our Contractors.

The Policy is implemented through a Land Transportation Management System which includes driver selection and training as per international standards, vehicle’s’ technical criteria and maintenance programmes, Journey management, in-vehicle monitoring systems (IVMS) that record and monitor driver performance, Zero tolerance policy (alcohol, drug) and zero accident objectives.

A dedicated EACOP Road Safety Co-ordinator has been nominated to promote a land transportation safety culture across all of EACOP’s Ugandan and Tanzanian activities.

In addition, EACOP is committed to engage with communities to implement actions addressing various aspects of road safety, and is building a Community Road Safety Programme.  Community Road Safety Awareness campaigns in 2021 included an ‘edutainment’ campaign with an EACOP road safety song and play, to deliver awareness and behavioural messages about road risks at the grassroots in villages, schools and local radio.

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