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Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) Grants Construction Approval for East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project

The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) has granted the Construction Approval to the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Ltd to construct the East African Crude Oil Pipeline that will run from Chongoleani Tanga to Hoima in Uganda.  Issuance of the Construction Approval marks the conclusion of the processing of the application for the Construction Approval submitted to EWURA by EACOP on Thursday 30th June 2022. Minister for Energy, Hon. January Makamba graced the handover event, which was held at Serena Hotel, Dar es Salaam. Also in attendance were Regional Commissioners from eight regions to which the pipeline will pass, members of the Parliamentary Energy Committee, members of EWURA Board and Management, officials from EACOP and other invited guests from the petroleum industry.

The application for the Construction Approval was made in compliance with section 126 of the Petroleum Act, Cap. 392 of the Laws of Tanzania, and Rule 4 of the Petroleum (Pipeline Operations) Rules, GN No. 477 of 2015.

The construction license is required to enable EACOP to formally start on the ground construction activities in Tanzania as part of the development of the 1,443km, 24-inch diameter insulated and buried crude oil pipeline that will start from Kabaale, Hoima in Uganda to Chongoleani, Tanga in Tanzania.

Speaking at the handover ceremony, Ms. Wendy Brown, EACOP Ltd General Manager Tanzanian Branch said, “This marks another step forward for EACOP as it allows the commencement of our construction activities in Tanzania upon completion of the ongoing land access process. We are grateful to the government of Tanzania for the expedited delivery of the application as per the commitment in the Host Government Agreement (HGA) and the continuous support for implementation of the EACOP project.”

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