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EACOP Hands over Replacement Houses in Kagera Region, Tanzania

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline Company in Tanzania has handed over 10 houses to 10 physically displaced Project Affected Persons (PAPs) in the village of Nkomelo, Muleba district in Kagera region on 28th February 2023. This Handover is in addition to the 43 Priority Area (PA) houses handed over to PAPs in 2022 in Missenyi, Muleba, Bukombe, Nzega and Singida Districts.

In Tanzania 344 of 9898 PAPs are physically displaced and of these 293 have selected the construction of 339 replacement houses including outdoor kitchen structures and ventilated improved pit latrines as in-kind compensation instead of monetary compensation.  EACOP is implemented in compliance with international financing standards including International Finance Corporation Performance Standard 5 which requires Project developers to provide replacement housing in the case of physical displacement.

The construction of replacement houses follows rigorous engagement with PAPs, the valuation process, disclosure and one to one briefings on compensation packages prior to signing compensation agreements.  Replacement Houses are built on land bought by the Project and TPDC or the PAPs existing land. The site plan is laid out as per PAPs preference and technical guidance from EACOP.

All Project Replacement Houses are under a 1year warranty Period. Within this timeframe, the Project through their contractors shall be responsible to remedy any defects (to rectify and make good of the defects) that may arise with the replacement houses.

In line with the IFC Performance Standards 5, Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs were developed and thereafter reviewed by the Government of Tanzania. The RAPs present the eligibility criteria and the designs of replacement housing.

Eligible PAPs (with particular attention to the vulnerable) will be provided with transitional support (food baskets), relocation support (to help them to transport their belongings to the new location) and livelihood restoration programs, aimed at restoring livelihoods.

Although the Project will not be accessing this land until later in 2023, the handover of the houses early enables households to establish themselves in their new homes and be supported by the Project. They can continue farming and using their land until they have received their Notice to Vacate.

In fulfillment of EACOP’s commitment to local content, the totality of the construction of the replacement houses is being executed by Tanzania construction companies (SBS Limited, VJ Mistry, CF Builders and Advent Construction Ltd).

EACOP will continue to engage with the project affected communities to ensure that their feedback is considered throughout the planning and implementation of the Project.

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